Welcome to Danatex the Webshop

Danatex A/S is a leading independent supplier of tinting systems, colorants, tinting equipment , colour cards and instruments to the paint                              
industry in Scandinavia.

Our customer base also extends to architects, interior designers, industri and retail organizations.

We maintain a fully equipped laboratory which is designed to offer support to our customers, both in terms of formulation creation and base paint control, but also providing "plug & play" solutions involving colorants, tinting machines, bar-code identification and server management.

 Furthermore, we specialise in technical sales, laboratory support plus distribution and welcome approaches from other manufacturers that can compliment our existing suppliers for the benefit of our customers.


Danatex A/S - VAT No: 80638116 - Holmensvej 6 - DK-3600 Frederikssund - Denmark - Phone +45 47 38 56 00